DOT ART | February 2020 Paid Public Art Opportunities
DOT Art is kicking off the New Year by seeking artists for two key initiatives: Barrier Beautification and Asphalt Art Activations.
Barrier Beautification (RFP)
Deadline: Friday, February 14, 2020 at 11:59 PM EST
DOT Art invites artists and designers to propose mural designs as part of the Barrier Beautification initiative. In 2020, as part of DOT’s Green Wave Plan to improve safety for cyclists citywide, DOT will increase implementation of protected bicycle lanes by 20 miles. With a total of 30 miles projected for execution in 2020, DOT Art seeks to highlight the new safety initiative with the installation of painted designs onto jersey barriers enclosing protected bike lanes. Up to five protected bike lanes will be selected as priority locations for Barrier Beautification in spring 2020. A $3,000 design fee will be awarded to selected artists to finalize design, prepare stencils and oversee painting onto the barriers by volunteers one day in the spring. DOT will also cover costs for all paint and supplies. Artists should submit an application, design proposal and samples of past work by Friday, February 14, 2020 for consideration.
Download the Barrier Beautification application here.
Asphalt Art Activations (RFQ)
Deadline: Friday, February 21, 2020 at 11:59 PM EST
DOT Art is seeking to identify qualified artists to be included in a registry for potential asphalt art commissions to be implemented between spring and fall 2020. As part of DOT’s efforts to make our streets more pedestrian friendly, the agency continues to reclaim underutilized street space for pedestrian use whether it be a curb extension to create larger waiting areas at corners with a more direct crosswalk; a slip lane closure to encourage pedestrian circulation along the curb line adjacent to a heavily trafficked sidewalk; or an entire street transformation from that of a thoroughfare for cars into an active public space for pedestrians to stop and linger. To highlight these infrastructure changes, DOT Art is partnering with internal teams to commission temporary art treatments that will be painted onto repurposed asphalt street spaces transforming them from ordinary asphalt spaces into canvases for art. DOT Art will provide selected artists with up to twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) towards direct project costs associated with designing, installing, maintaining and removing the artwork. Artists should submit an application with samples of past work by Friday, February 21, 2020 to be considered for projects this spring.
Download the Asphalt Art Activations application here.
Questions regarding the DOT Art open calls should be emailed to arts@dot.nyc.gov.