Candy Box
2013, 18" x 24", oil on canvas

The Procession of the Plagues
2013, 9" x 11", Assemblage: Plastic bullets, vial/ Crack Cocaine, miniature Jibaro hat, Lotto ticket, Sambo figurine, Evil eye talisman, Food Stamp, Black Power fist, Puerto Rican Flag, Broken Toy soldier, dead Cockroach, Weed bags

Live Forever (fountain)
2013, 11" x 11" x 9.5", Assemblage: crate, beer can, Rose of Jericho, found metal funnel, dice, pennies, Hennessy bottle, rose, paper bag aqua-pump

Black Benjy The Martyr
2014, 14" x 8" x 6", Ceramics

Intervale Avenue
2014, 16" x 20", Oil on Canvas

Prototype For Belphegor's Eye (Chandelier)
2014, 28" x 30", sculpture: 168 flesh tint dyed mouse trap, rhinestones, gold chains, copper wire, plywood