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Photo credit: Adi Talwar

Ed Alvarez is a first generation Nuyorican, born and raised in the South Bronx in the mid 1960′s. His parents immigrated to the South Bronx from Puerto Rico in the late 1950′s. Ed is primarily a cultural and community events photographer, attending various events in the South Bronx. Ed’s passion for photography came through inspiration during the Seis del Sur exhibit at The Bronx Documentary Center, which featured a collection of photos taken of the South Bronx during the 70′s, 80″s and 90′s. In February 2013, Ed purchased a digital camera and since then, he has not put it down. He began attending events in the South Bronx in hopes of polishing his skills as a photographer.

While attending these events, Ed’s awareness grew and he realized the importance of documenting and archiving these events to preserve the culture, pride and talent that flourishes throughout the South Bronx. Ed’s long term goal is to focus on documentary photography and put a collection of work together that will inspire others to pursue their dreams.

Ed is one of the featured photographers of the Bronx X Bronx Group Show in September 2014 as well as The Bronx Artist Documentary Project also in September 2014. Ed is currently a member of The Bronx Photo League at the Bronx Documentary Center.

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