OPEN CALL FOR CURATORIAL PROPOSALS – BxAA Armory Arts Week Exhibition – Deadline: November 30th
The Bronx Arts Alliance seeks innovative, fresh exhibition proposals from curators in the New York City metro area for our annual Armory Arts Week Exhibition in the Bronx in March, 2017.
The Bronx Arts Alliance is a collective of arts and cultural institutions and organizations. Our mission is to build, support and promote the works of artists and arts organizations throughout the Bronx. BxAA is also focused on actively engaging neighboring communities through the arts.
Candidates who apply for this opportunity should be familiar with the Bronx and Bronx-based artists. Your proposal must show a history of at least three previous curatorial projects that were successfully presented to a public audience. All interested curators are encouraged to apply regardless of qualifications on paper, since selection will be based first and foremost on the originality of the idea and the potential to do something different and inventive in the context of the Bronx arts scene. We want to shake things up and are looking for a curator who will bring new concepts to the table.
The selected candidate will curate works from a diverse group of artists proposed by BxAA organizations. The curator will be provided a stipend and a budget. The exhibition will be located in a gallery with at least 900 sq feet of space, and curators should expect to include between 20 and 30 artists. The exhibition will last for approximately four weeks. Curators should include one or two ideas for public programming that will facilitate community engagement with the exhibition.
The curator will be required to make studio visits to select work from participating artists, oversee installation/deinstallation of the exhibition, coordinate delivery and pick-up of artwork, and other tasks as needed. They will work in collaboration with the BxAA Exhibition Committee. BxAA will hire and provide art handling assistance.
For more information about the BxAA and to view last year’s Armory Arts Week exhibition, visit http://www.bronxartsalliance.org/armoryartsweek
Curators should submit the following:
1. Work samples:
• Documentation of (3) past exhibitions
• Up to (3) images per past exhibition (JPG. files only – no more than 900 x 900 pixels each)
and/or (1) video per past exhibition ( MOV., MP4., MPG. Files only – no more than 3 minutes long).
• Image/Video Title Checklist
2. Curator’s statement per past exhibition (500 word maximum)
3. Resume and/or CV (PDF only)
4. Short Biography (250 word maximum)
5. Curatorial Proposal for Bronx Arts Alliance Exhibition (500 word maximum)
Questions? Email bxartsalliance@gmail.com
Applications must be submitted via Submittable at http://www.bronxartsalliance.org/armory2017 by midnight of November 30, 2016. Candidates will receive an e-mail notification of acceptance or denial prior to December 30, 2016.