Bronx Children’s Museum Job Postings
On behalf of Bronx Children's Museum, our Board of Directors and our Executive Director, Carla Precht, we are reaching out to you to share an exciting time at Bronx Children's Museum as we continue toward the opening of the Museum building. As such, we are very excited to be at they point where we
LatchKey Gallery | A Bronx Tale – Private Studio Exhibition Experience, Sunday, September 15th, 2PM-4PM South Bronx
We look forward to seeing you Sunday, September 15th from 12 -4pm. As part of the private studio exhibition experience, we have collaborated with curators and creatives to offer thematic tours. These experiences will include up to 15 people so please let us know if you plan to participate. Below are the curators and themes.
SPLENDOUR | Natalie C. Wood at Freight+Volume Gallery Opening Sept 6th, 2019
September 6th through October 6th, 2019 Opening reception Friday, September 6th from 7-9:30 PM at Freight+Volume Gallery 97 Allen Street, New York NY 10002. The work in SPLENDOUR features keyed up versions of a fantasy life filled with fast cars, wild animals, and Vegas dancers distorted through repetition, physical rupture, and aggressive painting. The works have a
Temporary Job Opportunity | Wave Hill – Glyndor Gallery Greeter
Job Description Glyndor Gallery Greeter Temporary Early September – November 2019 Wave Hill is a public garden and cultural center in the Bronx overlooking the Hudson River and Palisades. Its mission is to celebrate the artistry and legacy of its gardens and landscapes, to preserve its magnificent views, and to explore human connections to the natural world through