Feb 9 – March 11 | BLACK FOLK presents: Reclaimed Rage; Resistance
Image Courtesy: Jonathan Gardenhire
BLACK FOLK presents: Reclaimed Rage; Resistance
February 9 – March 11, 2017
Opening Reception & Open Mic with Uptown Vinyl Supreme & Performance by NMBR 09: Thursday, February 9, 5PM
305 E 140 St, 1A
Bronx, NY 10454
Francheska Alcantara, Shellyne Rodriguez, Clara Lenor Cruz, Jonathan Gardenhire, Cheyenne Julien, Milo Matthieu, Shani Peters, Adrienne Rose, Anthony J. Thomas & Fannie Lou Hamer Freedom High School Students
Click here for Facebook Event Page
According to Kenneth V. Hardy and Tracey A. Laszloffy’s sociological study “Therapy with African Americans and The Phenomenon of Rage” (1995), rage is a sustained and intense emotion; it tends to develop gradually over a protracted period of time. It can be both functional and dysfunctional. The functional component may be a protective mechanism of resistance or a buffer against the trauma of oppression. The dysfunctional occurs when rage is internalized, several destructive manifestations tend to occur. When expressed, rage can have a soothing effect by providing an emotional release of the pain and humiliation associated with subjugation.
Reclaimed Rage; Resistance is an experiential group exhibition of contemporary artists working with photography, sculpture, collage and painting that explores the importance of rage in the age of resistance. By collaborating with revolutionary working-class-centered organizations and collectives across the Bronx, Reclaimed Rage; Resistance seeks to become an incubator for influencing community-empowering action and dialogue around the inevitable rage of an oppressive system.
The exhibition will also launch People Power Movement’s, Sarah E. Wright & Joe Kaye Political Education Center. A mobile library honoring 60+ years of tremendous political work and writings of Sarah E. Wright and Joe Kaye, their dedication to the liberation of working class people around the world was a core inspiration for this exhibition. Guests are encouraged to connect, reflect, and start meaningful dialogue in the mobile library. Black Folk, has also produced a Community Resource Zine in collaboration with People Power Movement, Eztudio 43, and The Women’s Press Collective with key information on community resources and engagement in and around the South Bronx.
The exhibition is curated by Dalaeja Foreman and co-organized by the aesthetic collective, Black Folk.
Bronx Social Center, Eztudio 43, NMBR 09, Odiosas, People Power Movement, Uptown Vinyl Supreme, Women’s Press Collective
Political Education Sessions & Workshops w/ People Power Movement
Formations in Community – Embodying Rage to Resistance – Tuesday, February 14, 6:30pm & Thursday, February 16, 6:30pm
Black Women & Survival as Resistance: Using the Work of Sarah E. Wright – Wednesday, February 22, 6:00pm-7:30pm
Decoding the “Angry Black Woman/Man” – Saturday, March 4, 6:30pm
Privatization of Public Housing – Sunday, March 5, 6:30pm
Regular Degular Feminism Workshop w/ Odiosas – Friday, February 24, 6-8pm
Curatorial Conversation on Trolley Night – Wednesday, March 1, 6:30pm
Curso De Defensa Contra El Desalojo // Anti-Displacement Defense Course w/ Eztudio 43 – Saturday, March 4, 3-5pm & Saturday, March 11 , 3-5pm