Feb 20 – Mar 14 | BAS – Turn Up the Volume Exhibition, Jane Dickson and Joseph Lewis
Join us for the opening of Turn Up the Volume featuring the work of Jane Dickson and Joseph Lewis next Friday, February 20th 6-9PM at BronxArtSpace.
February 20 – March 14 | Opening Reception: 6-9PM Friday, Feb 20
Artists Interviewed by Sergio Bessa: Wednesday, Mar 11, 6:30-8:30PM
The exhibition is open Thursday and Friday 12:00-6:30PM
BronxArtSpace – 305 E 140th St, Bronx, New York
Street Art, Hip Hop, Graffiti, and Breakdancing have become ubiquitous global currency, Who would have believed in the 1970s that The South Bronx was the weed in the crack of the pavement of the Western Aesthetic canon whose growth would shatter the dominance of that cultural narrative? Essentially teenage voices, sights, and movements shook the very foundation of global art and society.
And not just any voices–Black, Brown, Yellow, and yes a few White voices of the underserved and underrepresented neighborhoods abandoned by the powerful would rise up and prove that one group’s vision cannot maintain a strangle hold on the development and implementation of aesthetic criteria.
Jane Dickson arrived in Times Square in 1978, began working on projects at Fashion Moda in The South Bronx in 1979. Joseph Lewis grew up on Broadway during the golden age of the pop music business and subsequently wound up in The South Bronx at Fashion Moda.
Sergio Bessa from the Bronx Museum will lead a dialogue with the artists at BAS on Wednesday, March 11 6:30-8:30PM.
For more information contact Assistant Director Stephanie A. Lindquist at art@bronxartspace.com.