Daniel Hauben – Ecuadorian Pastels
In February of 2015, my wife Judy and I traveled with our friends Michael and Monika for three weeks in Ecuador. It was the trip of a lifetime, to experience even for a few days, the Amazon, the Andes, the Galapagos…to be reminded of the profound beauty of our planet. After our travels, Michael and Monika returned to Germany while Judy and I spent an extra week at Hostería Spa Pantaví, located in the northern Ecuadorean Andes in the Province of Imbabura. It was like a tropical botanical garden, with all manner of palms, succulents, fruit trees, and the flowering shrubs and trees which perfumed the air and fed the hummingbirds. At night the tree frogs sounding like claves, clacking and chirping us to sleep. We were the only guests for the first five days, and this afforded us the opportunity to connect on a more personal level with the lovely people who lived and worked there. Best of all, I spent my entire days painting, rediscovering my joy and my inspiration, and musing on this great opportunity we had to travel and experience the rich culture of this lovely country. – Daniel Hauben