Bronx Children’s Museum Job Postings
On behalf of Bronx Children’s Museum, our Board of Directors and our Executive Director, Carla Precht, we are reaching out to you to share an exciting time at Bronx Children’s Museum as we continue toward the opening of the Museum building. As such, we are very excited to be at they point where we are recruiting for some vital positions and consultant partners to help us transition into this next phase of the Museum’s growth. We will be looking to fill the following positions:
Operations Manager
Grant & Development Manager
Arts Integration Specialist
Arts Program Manager
STEAM Program Manager
Teaching Artists
Each of these roles have “big shoes” to fill and they will be an integral part of our future growth. We will be looking for strong individuals, preferably from our Bronx Community, to help us to mold and shape the culture and environment of the Museum. In posting these positions, it is a great opportunity for us to reach out to our Bronx Community partners and alliances to publicize the Museum, it’s growth and current employment opportunities. So, please pass along these opportunities to your personal networks and if you have any suggestions for different Bronx Community groups or alliances that you feel we should reach out to about these positions, please send them to me.
Click here for an all-in-one document of all of the BxCM job postings. In addition, the link for the postings on the BxCM Website www.bronxchildrensmuseum.org/job-opportunities and the direct links to each position.
Operations Manger
Grant & Development Manager
Arts Integration Specialist
Arts Program Manager
STEAM Program Manager