April 17- May 9 | BAS – Perfect Lovers Group Exhibition
Perfect Lovers, curated by Raphael Melendez
On exhibit – Matthew Burcaw, Ivan Geate, Olivier Borde, Rives Elliot, Paula Iyzadorek, Ivan Monforte, Jessica Ogden, and Mary Valverde
April 17 – May 9 | Opening Reception: Fri April 17 – 6-9PM
Meet the Artists & Curator on Saturday, May 2, 2-5PM
BronxArtSpace – 305 E 140th St, Bronx, New York
Gallery Hours: Wed 2:00-6:30, Thurs Fri 12:00- 6:30. Sat 12:00- 5:00
BronxArtSpace is pleased to announce (Perfect Lovers) curated by Rafael Melendez featuring the work of Olivier Borde, Matthew Burcaw, Rives Elliot, Ivan Gaete, Paula Izydorek, Ivan Monforte, Jessica Ogden, and Mary A. Vaverde. The show’s title is borrowed from Felix Gonzalez-Torres’s 1991 Untitled (Perfect Lovers), which consists of two mechanical clocks hanging side by side, set to the same exact time only to inevitably fall out of synch with one another. (Perfect Lovers) is a survey of recent black and white works, metaphoric and abstract featuring photography, installation, video, sculpture, painting, and mixed media that speak about contemporary “loves,” which inevitably go out of synch, but nevertheless retain a sense of poetry through time.
Rafael Melendez is a long-time New York artist working in multi-media incorporating drawings, art books, collage, and social gatherings. He is the founder of The Academy of Realness and divides his time between New York, London, and Paris
For more information contact Assistant Director Stephanie A. Lindquist at art@bronxartspace.com.
Photo: Ivan Monforte, video still from Feeling Uneasy, 2010