June 8 | BRAC Pop-Up Cocktail Hour In The Bronx
Invitation from the Bronx River Art Center –
Come and raise a glass to The Bronx River Art Center. Together we will toast BRAC’s construction milestone at the midway mark of the new BRAC building!
This warehouse-chic Bronx pop-up cocktail hour is hosted by Gustiamo, BRAC’s neighbor, long-time friend, and importer of Italy’s best Foods.
It will be an unusual “apertivo,” as we say in Italian, full of good community and heartfelt support.
Monday, June 8th, 6:00 – 7:30 PM
The Gustiamo Warehouse
1715 West Farms Road 10460
The Bronx
2 or 5 Train / 174th ST Stop
6 Train / Whitlock Ave Stop
$80 per person for this event | $50 for artists
100% of proceeds go to BRAC
If payment by credit card, CLICK HERE
If payment by check, send to:
BRAC, PO Box 5002
Bronx, NY 10460
Please direct questions to: gjnathan@bronxriverart.org