Feb 6 – Mar 26 | BXArts Factory/Bronx Music Heritage Center – Memories Un-Remembered: Thinking of Home (Longing) Group Exhibition
BxArts Factory in partnership with the Bronx Music Heritage Center invites you to their 1st Art Exhibition of 2016!
Memories Un-Remembered: Thinking of Home (Longing)
Featured Artists:
Francheska Alcantara
Stephanie Mota
Lazarus Nazario
Edwin Torres
Curated by Alexis Mendoza
Exhibition on view February 6 – March 26, 2016
Opening reception: Saturday, February 6, 6 PM – 9 PM
at Bronx Music Heritage Center 1303 Louis Nine Blvd, Bronx, NY.
The Bronx is known as the most diverse borough in New York City. Long a refuge for the city’s poor, migrant workers, the borough has maintained this identity to date. Though the faces of its immigrant populations have changed—from the initially Irish, Italian, Jewish, Polish migrants to now African, Latino, East Asian, West Indian, East Indian immigrants—the impetus that drove them to leave their places of origin, often overlap. Yet, the shared histories and stories of life at home or that initially compelled them to migrate frequently fade. Whether through a voluntary forgetting or the pressures of adaptation, rich, textured memories and narratives become lost to the requirements of life in a new land.
Artists from The BX200 Bronx Visual Artist Directory were selected for this project